AgriMag’s take on Nampo Cape 2019

Nampo Cape 2019 was an exciting opportunity for the farming community to gather and showcase what they have to offer the agricultural sector. Held over three days, this trade show included exhibits, demonstrations, and talks. AgriMag, in conjunction with Graan SA, attended the show to meet new clients and showcase our products. We showed our involvement in the form of the umbrellas that were located throughout Bredasdorp Park Nampo CT. Missed us at the show? You can find a wide range of equipment for sale on AgriMag and give the productivity of your farm a boost

Nampo Cape - AgriMag

Nampo Cape 2019 took place from 4 to 6 September at Bredasdorp Park, and this year’s event was bigger and better than ever before. The park has hosted agricultural events for over 20 years, which made it the ideal venue for Nampo 2019. The large grounds and excellent infrastructure made the perfect backdrop for this family-friendly event. An impressive 20 150 visitors flocked to the exhibition grounds, a significant increase from the 16 245 visitors who attended the event last year. The landing strip accommodated 376 airplanes as well as 63 helicopters.

With over 400 exhibitors, there was plenty of products and services for visitors to explore. The trade show showcased the latest technology available to farmers. With a range of precision equipment on display, farmers had the opportunity to explore the latest developments in the agricultural sector. Visitors also had the chance to learn more about cutting-edge farm management programs.

Nampo Cape - Expo Grounds - AgriMag

The trade show offered members of the agricultural sector a valuable opportunity to connect with other stakeholders. The Nation in Conversation series, which was led by lead by Theo Vorster, added interest to the daily program. The topics that were discussed centered around what is needed to expand South Africa’s agricultural sector and economy. Skills development and climate research were important points raised during these informative conversations.

You can look forward to Nampo Cape 2020, which is scheduled to take place from 8 to 11 September. If you’re looking for something a little closer to home, you can attend Nampo Bothaville from 12 to 15 May. These trade show promises to be another not-to-be-missed event.

AgriMag’s take on Nampo Cape 2019 | AgriMag Blog
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AgriMag’s take on Nampo Cape 2019 | AgriMag Blog
AgriMag, in conjunction with Graan SA, attended Nampo Cape to meet new clients and showcase our products. Read more on AgriMag...
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